Do you like movies? Do you like TV? Do you like money?

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Then this is the show for you!

Here at Pennies and Popcorn, we talk about all things money-related and learn some fun lessons along the way. But this is no dry economics class. We look at every finance lesson through the lens of your favorite thing: TV and movies. We love to dissect the financial decisions of characters and learn where they could have made better choices and then learn from these fake people’s terrible, terrible, truly abominable mistakes. Sometimes they make good decisions, I guess, but it’s way more fun to be super judgy about other people’s financial choices. Don’t pretend you don’t do this – I see you over there. But no feelings get hurt when the people we’re judging are fictional – woohoo!

So head on over to our Episodes Page, find a show that strikes your fancy, and dive on in. The people and stories may be fake, but the lessons are real!

Pretty soon you’ll be saying: Pshhshh, personal finance??

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DISCLAIMER: We may sound as smart as Elle Woods, but we’re not. We aren’t financial planners and although Carla is a lawyer, she is not YOUR lawyer. Any advice is intended for informational and entertainment purposes only. Please consult a professional for any legal or investing advice.